
Dear Parent or Supporter… we ask you to think about parenting issues in making up your mind for your vote on October 19th…

We ask you to consider issues important to parents and children in this election. We have described some of these issues on the other side of this letter. Please consider voting based on your candidates’ responses to those issues.
The current, “winner take all” adversarial system plunders family assets while disadvantaging children. Our alternative is working (in various implementations) in jurisdictions around the world. We call the best practices Canada should adopt, “Equal Parenting” (EP).
Suggested actions you can take to improve Canada for parents, our children & grandchildren:

Ask for your candidate’s position on family law reforms and parenting issues before casting your vote.

Volunteer to work in the campaign office of a candidate who supports EP. A list of MPs and how they voted on the 2014 Equal Parenting bill is on the website www.CanadianEPC.org/action/C560-votes

Drive supporters of your EP candidate to the polls – both in the advance polls and on election day.

Donate to an EP candidate or to the equal parenting movement. www.canadianepc.org/donate

Pass this pamphlet along to family members, friends, neighbours and members of your community organizations, and your church, synagogue or mosque.

Contact the media and raise equal parenting issues in the election. (e.g. radio talk shows)

Who are we? We are a national, volunteer council of parents –mothers and fathers, grandparents and stepparents. We oppose the cost, delays, inaccessibility and bias of Canada’s family courts. We oppose the greed, lies and exploitation of parents and children by the family law “profession” and the politicians who give them power without responsibility. We support the responsibility of parents for their children without unjustified government and bureaucratic interference. We support the right of parents to make decisions for their children unless found unfit or unless it is clearly contrary to criminal law.

Who supports these reforms? Several public opinion surveys show 80% or more support for our reforms. Support is that high across all political and religious persuasions, with women indicating slightly higher support than men. In 1998 a Parliament Joint Committee made 48 recommendations similar to these reforms, but governments have failed to act. Even the Supreme Court (Cromwell report) says decades of law profession pretend “changes” have failed, and recommends, as we do, putting “consensual decisions” into the hands of parents.

The current bad system costs you billions: Losing a parent (most often in family court) drives huge increases in child poverty, poor child health, school dropouts, mental illness, suicide and a vast array of other social ills, uncontroverted social science shows. These cost government, and you, through taxes, billions. It is like the Native Residential Schools, only on a much larger scale.

For supporting facts & information: www.canadianepc.org/resources or www.voteEqualParenting.com www.WorkingParents.co

Donations to the cost of printing and distributing this pamphlet would be very much appreciated.

Link for printable 2-sided letter for handing to voters.

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