Children’s Rights

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child says,


Children have a right to both parents.

Une réponse sur « Children’s Rights »

  1. I am a single father, who is engaged in a realtionship with a woman and her daughter from another man. I live in Abbotsford, B.C. and my daughter and her mother live in Campbell River B.C. I do my best to be responsible and always have paid my child support on time, never missing a payment. I have recently been put on the Family Maintenance Enforcement Program and to be honest am not to happy about it. I dont make enough to pay for daycare expenses and am concerned I will have my wages garnished. I have a ratherly expensive car payment to pay monthly as well as my insurance due to being a new driver. I am 26 but only got my license within the last few years. My car payment is expensive because I had bad credit and am in the process of rebuilding it, however I need a vehicle for my work. I am afraid if they garnish my wages, I will lose my car, therfor lose my job, leaving me not able to pay my child support.

    I have to pay two hundred dollars in transportation to see my daughter whenever I am able to. I find it hard to be able to afford that due to my income/ monthly bills. I live in the mainland, where as my daughter is on Vancouver Island and I would have to take a ferry there and back, costing sixty dollars one way. The rest is gas money and which is not including any hotel expense, food, or spending money towards my daughter. I am seeking out any information in any way I may have not thought of or know about. If you can find any info from reading my brief story, that I may not have thought of to be helpful, I would much appreciate it.
    Thank you for your time in reading my letter,
    Logan Scott

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