
To: Name of MP,
MP for (riding)
Parliament of Canada
Ottawa K1A 1A6

Dear MP (first name, last name):

As a constituent in your riding, I thank you for supporting a private member’s bill introduced in the House of Commons, C-560, “Equal parenting” which aimed to reform the federal Divorce Act.
This bill was long overdue, as the changes so that both parents would remain in their children’s lives after divorce or separation were called for by Parliament in 1998 with the “For the Sake of the Child” report.
Keeping both parents as a presumption reduces conflict and cost to families. It is better for the children. It is the right thing to do. Personally, if those changes had been made, our family would have many thousands of dollars in additional assets to be spent on the children, rather than on legal conflicts which are unaffordable and do not solve problems in the real world.
I urge you to consult with both sides on this bill and ensure that the viewpoint of parents and children are heard as well. Unfortunately, in the past, those who made decisions on this issue have only listened to the interests of a legal profession monopoly which has made so much money from the current system.
The current system does not work for me, for my family, and for other parents and children. Equal parenting reforms seek to ensure that the system treats parents and their children with equality and respect.
Equal parenting presumptions are working in other states and countries of the world. I urge you to contact the Canadian Equal Parenting Council for further information on what works where and why Canada should make these changes. Please recommend that your colleagues also support Bill C-560.
Thank you for listening and I wish you and your family the best.
Your Name/signature

Postage is free to your MP. Handwritten is good. Adapt or change this letter to your situation. Or phone your MP. Let us know when you have done it. DO IT NOW!

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