Children’s Issues are Parenting Issues, says national equal parenting advocacy group

Parents need a voice to provide balance to media coverage of children’s and family issues, says the Canadian Equal Parenting Council (CEPC). In the coverage of children’s issues, the voice of parents is often missing, and too often denigrated or dismissed as self-serving or self-interest. The “professionals” and “experts” so often quoted have their own …

Bonjour membres et visiteurs francophones

Bienvenue sur le site Internet du Conseil de l’Égalité Parentale du Canada. Notre objectif est de devenir une coalition nationale entièrement bilingue d’ici novembre 2010. Bien que notre site soit en cours de francisation, nous vous offrons ce lien vers le traducteur de Google: Il suffit de taper l’URL de la page Internet que …


Your financial support is needed so that children and parents do not suffer in divorce.  We appreciate your donation of any amount that you can afford. Votre appui financier est nécessaire pour assurer aux enfants et à leurs parents un divorce le moins souffrant possible. Nous vous remercions de votre don, quelque soit le montant. Il est …

Support Bill C-422

Support Bill C-422 On June 16, MP Maurice Vellacott (Saskatoon-Wanuskewin) spoke on the introduction of Private Member’s Bill C-422 for a presumption of equal parenting. This bill, if passed, will direct courts in regard to divorce, to make equal shared parenting the presumptive arrangement in the best interests of the child, except in proven cases …

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