

Your financial support is needed so that children and parents do not suffer in divorce. 
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Votre appui financier est nécessaire pour assurer aux enfants et à leurs parents un divorce le moins souffrant possible. Nous vous remercions de votre don, quelque soit le montant. Il est essentiel à l’atteinte de nos objectif.

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   or by cheque, make your cheque or money order payable to: ou par chèque ou mandat postal payable à:Canadian Equal Parenting Council. / Conseil de l’égalité Parentale du Canada.

631 Tubman Cr,
Ottawa, Canada
K1V 8L5

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10 réponses sur « Contact »

  1. Hi.

    I’m very interested in joining an equal parenting group. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I can best support this movement with somebody from your organization. I can be reached by email at the address provided and/or by telephone at 306-242-9031.

    Thanks in advance.

    Ryan Glass

  2. Hey,

    I was speaking to Kris Titus who refered me to you.

    I currently run a small IT consulting firm in Montreal and I was offering my services to Fathers4Justice who have not responded to my offer for help. Kris told me you may be able to put my offer for help to good use.

    If you are interested please dont hestitate to contact me.

    Thank you for your time,


  3. Dear Council,

    I need help.

    I haven’t seen or heard from my three children for two weeks. Their Mother came here from overseas, got into the court system in Alberta where she had learned that by making claims of violence she could get free housing, food, etc. and be provided with free legal support by the province.

    She had learned what to do online and from women’s support agencies here. During the one and a half years we battled here in Canada she was coached and groomed for how to present within the system and given great credibility by the associations she had rather than ever offering objective evidences.

    The Mobility Judgement was granted on October 3rd, 2011. She and the children flew out on October 6th. I did not get any chance to see my children or to say goodbye to them. The stay of order I got was six hours too late.

    She left to Thailand with a court order giving her mobility, primary parenting, and most every parental right imaginable for three lovely children who had been equally parented by both of us their entire lives and been solo parented by me for a long time when I first came back to Canada. I’m left to pay child support back here in Canada based on Canadian costs. I will be paying for children that I cannot see, hug, or even talk to except at her whim.

    The courts never seemed to care that I had been sole caregiver to two of the children for nearly a year, that I was a Canadian citizen, and held a good job as a sessional university lecturer. It seemed I had few rights as a Father, a male, and as a citizen of this country. The focus of attention was on the woman, immigrant, and Mother always. She needed no evidence to have credibility, just her words and some tears.

    At this time I don’t know where they are. I got some unsettling phone calls from my ten year old daughter before they rushed from the country and she’s called me once since then to say they were in Bangkok but didn’t know what they would do or where they would go from there.

    I don’t know when I will see my children again. I am required to pay child support under the Canadian system, enough money for her to pay nannies and maids for child care, have a fine house, and eat. I am destitute with enormous debts and an imputed income beyond my means. She had no income imputed to her and the courts never seemed interested to look at her lucrative assets and potential overseas.

    She was given six lawyers by Alberta legal aid even though she was not a resident. She actually got more support as a non-citizen then I a tax payer and native born could access.

    She attacked me with a knife, no prior history of domestic violence. Yet police would do nothing and she got all sorts of support from agencies and government groups that never asked my side of the story and never required her to present objective evidence. When I approached the exact same agencies that had provided her with such enormous support they told me they had no resources for men.

    The school board allowed her to move and transfer my children across the city in breach of a court order and when I said I would transfer them back when it was my time refused to allow me to do the same. I was told by many family law lawyers that based on status quo this should never have happened.

    I had Justices talk to me only about my responsibility to pay for my children and for her. Despite the fact that she has matching education to me and could easily find work in Canada but chooses not to. The court places no expectations on her to seek to stay here where the children have best opportunities and happiness.

    I had lawyers completely fail in their duties of the code of conduct and a case management justice who denied me charter rights to file applications for relief or to set things right. It seems case management justices operate outside the scope of usual court rules.

    Everywhere I went I found the government, courts, and agencies to be presumptive in applying stereotypes and gender bias. I found that citizens actually have lesser rights and support compared to immigrants, and so often the mantra that what is best for the children is presumptively tied to assume that what is best of the Mother applies to be best for them.

    I’ve contacted my MLA, my MP, the justice minister and all I get is ran around. Lots of sympathy for men and Fathers out there but few persons willing to stand up to defend them or what’s right. Many know that things are wrong but the critical mass of popular attention is not there because mainstream media seems uninterested or afraid to present the issues.

    I was considered by many who knew me and my children to be an exemplary Father. I loved taking care of my kids, the whole parenting from cooking and cleaning to hiking and having fun, I love all of it. Now it’s all gone and I am completely broken.
    I have no access to my children who are across the world unless I somehow find the means to go there. But there are no support services there for me and Thailand is not signatory to the Hague convention so even if I got there I would find no support for me to get access.

    I am upset that no one listened to me and would act to correct things before they went this far. There is a history of her actions that hurt the children but no one seemed to care at all what she did. I don’t see any future for myself as I am in my mid 40’s with no economic prospects and only years to work and pay for her to care for my children when this is all I want to do in life.

    I don’t know if you can help me, or just offer sympathy. But if you have time and would like to know more of my story, or can offer advice and connections that may be able to help me I would really appreciate this.

    I love my kids and will fight to my dying breath to make sure they are happy and become good people. I just wanted to share the parenting joys and only expected that their Mother would participate in the full range of parenting responsibilities. But she was told that she was entitled to the children and I was responsible to pay for her and for them. And that was the mantra she went into the court system with. I did not believe it was possible, I was so wrong. To have everything taken from me like this does things to a person that I cannot put into writing so well, but maybe I can speak to it better.

    I hope to hear from you soon.


    Tom Matty

    Loving Father to Venik, Quenton, and Natacha

  4. I would like to know how to become involve in this. I am currently trying to get the Canadian courts to enforce the court order of co parenting in my case. I am in BC – and am learning that there are many more parents in similar situations. I would like to be able to help this out.

    Chris Sanderson

  5. Dear colleagues,

    I hope we could work together in the cases concerning missing and/or abducted children worldwide.
    As a father of a boy abducted by his mother to Russia in a fall of 2008, I wrote to the Canadian PM Stephen Harper desperately asking to do anything (even merely symbolical) to restore my son’s right to see his Dad. All I got was a very polite 2-page reply from the FAIT’s Case Support & Children Issues Division explaining why Ottawa can do nothing to take a hand in rescuing its underage citizen from the other country’s captivity.

    So I rushed to Russia where along with an endless legal battle I have started a countrywide “Fathers’ Committee” (Russian acronym – MOK) movement with over 400 members participating up to date.

    Our situations are absolutely similar to the fate of thousands of fathers in Canada, Russia (and around the Christian world, as we have the sister organizations in Bulgaria and Belarus). The CBC recently published a story ( about that phenomena.
    Now we feel it’s time to start the similar movement in Canada and around the (Western) world, where children’s parental deprivation committed by the irresponsible adults is a commonplace. We are ready to contribute our time and resources into creation of such a movement as well as in supporting the existing groups engaged in child rights activity, like the CEPC.
    We think child abuse committed by the selfish parents must become an elections issue as soon as possible, and we, responsible and caring parents, must do our best to persuade the politicians to take our demands into account.

    Looking forward to hear from you,

    Best wishes,

  6. a facebook group for men/fathers rights to be equal
    as that of woman/mothers. is massive over 700 million people use, pleaseee help me
    get this out. I have waited a long time for someone to start a facebook group no one
    has,.. so I did. More people use facebook then anything else in the world, email
    this group to others or join it,. but please pass it on. Help the world change its views on stand up men. we currently have 145 members but can grow. It will be called F.A.T.H.E.R. (Fathers against the hypocrisy of equal rights) please feel free to call me at 289-820-5840 if u have questions

  7. Hi-

    This is a true account of just how unfair and inadequate the Ontario Legal Aid system is and how it stands unaccountable to all levels of government, such as the Ontario Ombudsman, MLAs, etc.

    I am the former primary care provider of two daughters, and they were taken away by their mother, with my only recourse being in and out of a numerous family case conferences for over the past three years. In addition, the mother has not allowed the girls to have access to me, and even though she is a doctor and earns approx $300,000/year; and I have been unemployed for years now, the judge ruled that 50% of my gross income is to go to my exe. This is a temporary order, and is why it has to go to court; as my daughters have repeatedly stated they also wish to live with me.
    During this time I have seen court documents / notes modified by the judge in question, my ex-spouse’s lawyer knowingly supply BOTH the judge and LAO (Legal Aid Ontario) with false information, and I have been pulled into “secret” and “harassing”, integration-style meetings by LAO staff.

    The mother was given full custody of our children (temporary court order), and I have since went bankrupt and lost all of my assets. Shortly thereafter I was diagnosed with severe depression, and I can hardly function on a day by day basis. I require a lawyer for this case as it is tough enough to represent yourself in family court with a good state of mind, esp. as a father.

    I have been homeless since last summer and have no assets and I should qualify for Legal Aid, but they have repeatedly denied my application for no valid reason. They said they do not believe I am homeless and also state they “feel” I have assets but will not be specific on the details and will not reply to my request for more details. I am now at the end of the LAO appeal process.

    I have repeatedly reported this to the Ombudsman of Ontario, all of the MPPs of Ontario, and also now the Ottawa MPs — including MPP Kathleen Wynne, and they have stated they are unable to do anything, as LAO runs its own show and is accounatble to no one.

    Although I have learned a judge and perhaps even the Premier (who has not replied to me) or someone at the MP level – can over rule LAO.

    LAO is responding as a dictator style organization, and is above the law and seems to even be out of the reach of politicians – those very people citizens put into power to ensure we are treated fairly and not abused by the very system they run.


    I no longer have a cell phone, but I can call anyone (outbound only) on google voice mail service.

    LAO CASE: CLT1542027


    There is an upcoming family case conference on April 24 , (which is the date to set a court date), and if I or a lawyer is not there, my exe’s lawyer will do what she can to exclude me even more out of my daughters’s lives.

  8. I am a father and former primary care giver of two lovely daughters, now 13 & 10 years old.

    Their mother (Dr. Jenny Bekeschus) and I separated 6 years ago, 3 from outside of the home – with three years in Case Conferences at Sheppard & Yonge, in Toronto.

    During these three years, mother refused court ordered access (Judge refused to enforce the court order) and mother also progressively Alienated our children against me.

    Mother also accused me of being a drug user, a criminal, and sexual predictor, along with dozens of other lies (all of these lies were proved as false by third part evidence – which the Judge refused to acknowledge), and mother also admittedly hired a private investigator to illegally remotely hack my business computer, and he and mother stalked myself and others I knew.

    In addition, The Judge (Carole Curtis) had altered court documents and made slanderous remarks to me in court. (I have documented over 20+ of these.)

    I did have a lawyer represent me for the first year, but after I went bankrupt, my exe’s lawyer (Phyllis Brodkin) falsely told legal aid that I had hidden money, and I was refused a lawyer.

    In April of this year, mother was granted full custody with no allowed access by me, unless agreed upon by both parents. Mother has told me that if I go even into the same village as where they live, she will have me arrested.

    Since my exe and I had built up over 2.5 million in assets that was all in her name, she acquired all of this, and then I became homeless. I am currently residing with family, and my oldest daughter does “sneak” calls to me every day, and says she really does miss me, and that mother yells and intimidates both girls often, and that my youngest daughter no longer remembers me, and that mother tells them I am criminal and would attempt to kid nap them. My exe even has private investigators to this day, harassing people I know and even my parents.

    I simply wish to be able to spend time with my daughters again. I have not seen them for almost a year now. Since the court order also states that 50% of my gross income goes to mother (even though she averages $300,000 / year, and me none), this makes it an almost impossible situation for me.

    Can anyone help?

  9. Dear Madam or Sir :

    1. It appears from my experience that most of Ontario Family Court orders are generally for men only. May be there are exceptions. But when wife is businesswomen, even though not successful, and father is disabled as a result of doctor’s negligence, and between them there is distance 4,500 km – there is high chance that the father will never see his child. The father was main caregiver in Ontario, is former diplomat and teacher, but who cares?
    If I would take my child from Ontario, like my wife did, my child would be taken from me in several days after my departure and I would be imprisoned. It did not happened with my wife. Moreover, form 31, Contempt motion ( I am sending it to you as an attachment), says about possible imprisoning those, who do not comply with Ontario court orders. I never heard that a mother would be imprisoned for abducting a child, in similar situation like ours. But fathers were imprisoned.

    Lawyers and judges in this type of situations would say that father would talk with his child through Skype. However, when I was attending parenting classes, our teacher told us that parents have to BE INVOLVED with children with activities etc. Kind of just “talking is not working”. From my own experience communicating with my daughter through Skype for more than 3 years, I see that it is really NOT working at all. At least for last two years, at age from 8,5 till 10,5 Skype is useless. I tried to convince my lawyer re uselessness of Skype, but he was very stubborn re Skype. He wants kind of “enforce” time and date for communicating with the child. But Court cannot order the child to talk with her parent. Child psychology has to be understood.
    It is easier for the lawyer to schedule Skype communication, than to solve the problem. I know situation when one smart judge in British Columbia declined a case with situation when a mother wanted to move to Australia. In that case the mother wanted the child would communicate with the child’s father through Skype. But not all judges are so smart. Skype/phone conversation is NOT solution for building relationship between father and 10,5 years daughter.

    In my opinion, my example shows, that there is no equality between father and mother re custody and access in my case – more than 3 years I did not see my child and there is high chance that I will NEVER see her.
    On Oct. 9 at 10:00 urgent contempt motion (Milton Court, Ontario) is scheduled

    and I believe that it will be good opportunity figure out on my example do we really have equality between a mother and a father custody or access related issues.
    I am sending you 5011/09 Ontario court order re above-mentioned issues.
    Could you please participate on Oct. 9 re equality between a mother and a father custody or access related issues?

    2. Last week I saw that duty counsels in Family court marked in RED colour by pen “MALE” on men’s application form. They very rare help men. Generally they help women much more than men. My case shows, that both, Legal Aid and Duty counsels at court did not help me at all. And it is possible that because I am a man.

    My phone is (905)-901-0174
    Cell – (905)808-2148

    Thank you for your time,

    Val Kalynchuk

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