Ed Kruk

Ed Kruk, Ph.D. is an associate professor of social work at the University of British Columbia, specializing in child and family policy. Ed’s first book, Divorce and Disengagement, was the first in-depth study of the experiences of divorced fathers and the phenomenon of father absence after divorce. His second book, Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Social Work and the Human Services, explores the application of mediation in eighteen fields of practice, with a focus on theory and practice relevant to each field. His third book, Divorced Fathers: Children’s Needs and Parental Responsibilities, examines fathers’ perceptions of their children’s needs in the divorce transition, and parental and social institutional responsibilities to those needs.
He has kindly agreed to make available at the download link below, his recent policy paper, a new approach to child custody determination in Canada. He was recently cited as “Canada’s leading child custody expert” by two national newspapers.
Child Custody, Access and Parental Responsibility: The Search for a Just and Equitable Standard

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